Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Coming back on its own!!!

Spring is the time when perennial garden shines. So much is growing, food, flowers, life, and I didn't have to lift a finger! Love it! This is what is coming up on its own in the front yard.

Chives and Hostas
This was one small plant last year.
English Lavender one of my favorite smells
Rosemary one of my other favorite smells.
Sage, parsley, and mystery plant.
Thyme is a great ground cover. The Lemon grass didn't come back.
I assumed it would. But it didn't.

These are either ground cherries, or tomatillo starts. I use them interchangably anyway lol.
Chives, strawberry, and Mum in containers.
Second year grapes. I'm soooo excited.
I also have a million wonderberry starts so if anyone wants one just let me know.
Walking onions I never picked last year
Lettuce all right here in one big bunch. So weird.
I let my lettuce go to seed last year and harvested thousands of seeds. The rest apparently went right here. I love it when Mother Nature does my job!
Lambs Ear
(of the huge bunch I replanted from my friends yard this is the only one that is really thriving)
I don't know what this is. Probably a weed but it is pretty.
I only have about a thousand of these little guys popping up everywhere. I will have no shortage of tomato plants this year.
Tarragon comes back and gets huge. I have six or seven of these guys around the yard.
The strawberries are coming!!!!

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